Anime Screening

Japanese Animation fans of Western Australia

Introducing Japanese Animation Fans of Western Australia (JAFWA) - the vibrant and dedicated community group that has been bringing the joy of Japanese animation to Western Australia for over 20 years. JAFWA started as a small gathering of friends watching anime at someone's home and has evolved into a thriving organization.

At Kaiga Convention, we proudly prioritize our partnership with JAFWA, as we believe in supporting local businesses and community initiatives. They provide us with captivating anime screenings, and their commitment to fostering a love for Japanese animation has made them a beloved presence in our events. Join us in celebrating JAFWA's rich history and immerse yourself in the world of anime at Kaiga Convention. 

Join the club - anime viewings every weekend!


JAFWA meets every Saturday, except for the first Saturday in each month or when indicated otherwise. Doors open at 5:00pm, and finishes around 10:30 pm. Please check the program for any changes to dates and times.


The meetings are usually held in the Collins Street Community Center, South Perth.
1 block north of the intersection of Canning Highway and Douglas Avenue.

JAFWA at Kaiga Convention

At Kaiga Convention, we are thrilled to collaborate JAFWA and bring their expertise and passion to our event. As part of our commitment to creating a welcoming and enjoyable experience, we have curated a dedicated chill-out beanbag area where attendees can unwind and indulge in a very special selection of anime. Thanks to our partnership with JAFWA, anime viewings will be available throughout Saturday and Sunday of our event!

Whether you're seeking a moment of tranquillity or looking to connect with fellow anime enthusiasts, our anime screening area provides the perfect haven for all anime lovers at Kaiga Convention.