Artist Alley

Pictured: Bree Halo's Art & Craft , Courtesy of HKPhotographyperth | @bree_halo

We are so proud to present our Artist Alley at Kaiga Convention! This special section is dedicated to showcasing and selling the creative works of talented artists and creators. Explore a beautiful range of original artwork, prints, pins, keychains, stickers, handmade crafts, zines, comics, and more, all directly from the artists themselves.

Engage with your favourite creators, find unique pieces, and support independent talent in a vibrant and lively space. At KaiCon we can't express it enough how much we love and support Art, and the Artists behind it, so naturally it's the very first thing you see when you enter our event!

Support with Premium Passes

By purchasing our 3-Day Premium Pass, the profits of this ticket type go towards covering the fees of Artist Alley tables - until they are entirely paid off! Plus the Friday Opening Night means you're first on the expo floor to do your shopping!
Pictured: Rinleigh Art , Courtesy of HKPhotographyperth | @rinleighart

We believe in real art!

We strive to support artists in their career and journey! AI generated work and elements are strictly banned from our events. We also try to eliminate competitive products from Exhibitors outside of the Artist Alley.
Pictured: Jenny Mackintosh , Courtesy of HKPhotographyperth | @jenny.mackintosh

You can join the fun

Kaiga Convention does not claim to be a beginner friendly or entry-level event, however we review every application and do a screen check - so as long as that checks out you're good to go! Apply today and give selling at a convention a shot~
Pictured: Floatsyl , Courtesy of HKPhotographyperth | @floatsyl